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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

We recommend: Dallas Prop A for streets and transportation

Proposition A in the 2024 Dallas bond program would allocate $521.2 million for streets and transportation.
Anyone who’s driven on Dallas roads has experienced the impact of our city deferring important street maintenance. This hefty chunk of funding, nearly half of the entire $1.25 billion bond program, will mainly go toward street resurfacing, repairing bridges, installing traffic signals and new sidewalks. About $162 million of Proposition A has been allocated to “Complete Streets” projects that will make roads safer for pedestrians and cyclists. These include reconfiguring Jefferson Boulevard in north Oak Cliff from a six-lane road into a four-lane road with protected bike lanes. In South Dallas, new sidewalks and a protected bike lane for Elsie Faye Heggins Street will be built to facilitate better connections to Dallas Area Rapid Transit’s Hatcher light-rail station. Vote for Proposition A to help the city address long overdue road improvements and give you a smoother commute.
Check out the rest of our recommendations in the 2024 Dallas bond election here.
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